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From the very first moment action research started to be used in the social research field until now, it has presented significant variations. Action research looks like a mosaic of theoretical and methodological approaches, named differently from time to time and/or from place to place: for example, practitioner inquiry, practitioner research, teacher research, participatory action research, and so forth. The basic aims of this article are to find the reasons for this and to discuss the implications of the phenomenon. Starting with the first issue, we could ask ourselves: why do we today find so many and considerable variations in action research approaches in the literature? The evident reason is because action research draws upon many theoretical paradigms that – in some circumstances – are not only different, but also contradict each other. Hammersley states characteristically that action research draws upon positivism, pragmatism, hermeneutics, critical theory and postmodernism! After such claims, we can easily wonder: how can such a multi-paradigmatic approach compose cohesive methodological proposals? We can also pose another crucial question: although we can easily understand that this multi-paradigmatic nature is a real advantage which gives action research a pluralistic essence, is it really ‘a strong indicator of the power of action research to reinvent itself according to local needs’ as Somekh stated, or might it at the same time conceal serious risks?  相似文献   
Research points to significant numbers of students on college campuses experiencing mental health distress and an ever increasing number of college students who are choosing to make an off-campus educational experience a part of their college careers. When we consider both of these trends together, it is quite apparent that a significant number of students with mental health concerns will spend periods of time studying away from campus, with converging concerns among college mental health and study away professionals about how to best support these students. This article seeks to outline both challenges and opportunities inherent in the collaboration between campus professionals in supporting students with mental health issues before and during their study away experiences.  相似文献   
抓好数学概念教学是提高数学教学质量的关键。笔者从事数学教学多年,认为深刻理解、牢固掌握、灵活运用是学习掌握数学概念、提高解题能力的有效手段。  相似文献   
菲尔丁的代表作《弃儿汤姆·琼斯的历史》蕴涵了丰富的道德内容.本文认为作品的主旨和隐性结构就在于表现人性,基于此,菲尔丁不仅塑造了一个真实丰富的主人公形象,并对当时某些似是而非的道德问题和道德原则提出了讨论,表明了小说的道德主题.  相似文献   
《金瓶梅》的作者非王世贞莫属。根据有四:①“兰陵笑笑生”中的“兰陵”并非地名,而是运用藏词艺术手法隐含作者姓王,是一个孝子;②弄珠客《序》采用析字格手法,表明《金瓶梅》的创作主旨是嘲弄姓朱的皇帝;③王世贞的父亲王Yu被杀与嘉帝有直接关系,替父报仇是王世贞作《金瓶梅》的主要动机和根本目的;④作品中的明代三个真实人物是王世贞的暗示性符号。  相似文献   
李林 《铜仁学院学报》2003,5(Z1):113-114
在职高生高考数学的复习教学中,要注重区别对待不同成绩的学生,要充分重视学生的主体地位,发挥教师的主导作用.  相似文献   
以文化学的眼光分析《荷塘月色》文本,会发现其间深藏着中国现代文学家在五四“断裂”之后的内心隐秘,体现出现代中国人心灵中的“古典踪迹”。百年中国文学反复证明了“人格重建时散文最兴盛”的命题,阅读现当代文学中唯一存活的“古典”文体——散文,以一种开放的心态来分析和选择现代人格中的古典因子,是文化重建的内在需求。  相似文献   
XML在网络应用中起着越来越重要的作用。本文介绍了网络教学中最常用的两种XML应用:MathML和SVG,它们分别用来在网页中显示公式和图形;并重点介绍如何将这两种重要的XML应用正确地嵌入网页中,以便在通用的网络浏览器中显示公式和图形。  相似文献   
改进了原有润滑部分的电气控制设计,使得配置FANUC 0i的数控机床,其电气控制系统能够根据机床具体的工作状态,合理、经济地提供适量的润滑;对润滑系统中出现的不同故障,也能分别处理,尽可能减少不必要的机床停机时间。  相似文献   
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